How Safe is Laser Vision Correction?
Dr. Leslie Doctor, M.D. |
LASIK Surgeons Know About Safety
This past October 21, 2015 marked the 20 year anniversary of FDA approval of the use of the excimer laser for Laser Vision Correction of common eye problems such as nearsightedness or myopia. 20 years is a long time and we have now arrived with technology, techniques, skills and experience to be able to provide patients wanting to eliminate their dependence on glasses and contacts, with a safe, effective and reproducible laser eye surgery treatment-whether LASIK, PRK or other method of correction.
Patient Barriers to LASIK
Still, one of the main barriers to patients who want to have LASIK is there concern about safety. A recent study was conducted to determine what percent of LASIK & Refractive Surgeons WHO ACTUALLY PERFORMED THE PROCEDURE, have had Laser Vision Correction. Certainly, eye surgeons who perform refractive surgery MUST know the dark dirty secrets of safety issues and would avoid putting themselves at undue risk. After all…EYE SURGEONS NEED EXCELLENT VISION!
Results of the Laser Vision Correction Safety Study
The study, called Prevalence of Laser Vision Correction in Ophthalmologists Who Perform Refractive Surgery was published in the September Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and had some interesting results. Responses were received from 248 (99.2%) of 250 ophthalmologists who were queried, of which 232 (92.8%) met the criteria of currently working as refractive surgeons. Of the 232 subjects, 161 (69.4%) reported that they had refractive errors potentially amenable to treatment with laser vision correction, not including presbyopia. Of the 161 ophthalmologists with treatable refractive errors, 54 (33.5%) reported they were not candidates for laser vision correction for a variety of reasons and 107 (66.5%) reported they were candidates for LVC. Of the laser vision correction candidates, 62.6% reported that they had an LVC procedure in their own eyes! Of the overall 232 subjects, more than 90% recommend LVC for adult members of their immediate family!
The message is clear. The data speaks for itself. Two thirds of the eye surgeons who perform LASIK, and are good candidates for LASIK-HAVE LASIK! They are confident of the safety, efficacy and predictability-THAT THEY HAVE IT THEMSELVES!!!! And they recommend it to their family members. The key here to having a great result is finding out if you are a good LASIK candidate. We can help!
If you or someone you know would like to learn more about LASIK or schedule a Free LASIK Consultation, please call Doctor & Associates-203-227-4113, visit Doctor & Associates, Google+ or to schedule an appointment.
Doctor & Associates offices are located at 129 Kings Highway North, Westport, Connecticut 06880, 195 Danbury Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897 and 148 East Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851.