Lower Eye Pressure after Cataract Surgery

If you are one of the 20% of patients with cataracts who either has somewhat high eye pressure (IOP) or actually has glaucoma, there is good news about what to expect when you have cataract surgery. Researchers reporting in Current Opinion in Ophthalmology studied the effect that cataract surgery had on eye pressure-or intraocular pressure (IOP) and found evidence to suggest that cataract surgery provides a lowering effect on IOP in the long term and the amount of the lowering is proportional to the preoperative IOP. That is, eyes with higher preoperative IOP have the greatest average lowering, whereas eyes with IOP in the lower range of statistically normal tend to have an IOP that is unchanged from before cataract surgery, or even higher following cataract surgery. This benefit of cataract surgery for glaucoma patients or glaucoma suspects may be helpful in allowing them to reduce their glaucoma eye drops or appreciate even greater effects of laser treatment for glaucoma.
If you or someone you know has cataracts and is thinking about cataract surgery, please share this information and ask them to call Doctor & Associates-203-227-4113, visit Doctor & Associates in Fairfield County, Google+ or facebook.com/doctorandassociates to schedule an appointment.
Doctor & Associates offices are located at 129 Kings Highway North, Westport, Connecticut 06880, 195 Danbury Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897 and 148 East Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851.